Ever get so busy that you forget what day of the week it is? Well, it happened to us last week! I told Philip that I would write our weekly post and tell all of our wonderful followers about our new motorhome. In all of the hustle and bustle of moving in, getting settled, and a few craft projects and decorating I was doing, I forgot to write my post.
Here it is in an abbreviated form. We received our new motorhome last Tuesday, after almost a month after putting our deposit down. That’s another story that seems like a tale from “A Series of Unfortunate Events”. Anyway, it took us all day on Tuesday and Wednesday to get all of our belongings moved from the trailer to the motorhome. On Thursday, we spent the day cleaning the trailer and getting it put into storage until we can sell it. On Friday, we moved to a different Thousand Trails park about 45 mins away.
I tackled the project of covering all of our cornice boards on Sunday. The tacky mauve and floral HAD to GO! Below is a picture of the newly covered cornice boards. I plan to post a tutorial of exactly how I did them soon.

So far, we are loving the motorhome life! Move day was so incredibly easy this week! I think we could definitely get used to the ease of mobility involved in owning a motorhome!